現在、大阪府立大学には200人以上の留学生がいます。今回は、現代システム科学域 環境システム学類で学ぶ 柯 心遥(カ シンヨウ)さんにお話を伺いました。

Today, there are more than 200 international students at Osaka Prefecture University. And now, we had an interview with Mr.XINYAO KE, who is studying at School of Environmental System Sciences, College of Sustainable System Sciences.


氏名:柯 心遥(カ シンヨウ)XINYAO KE
所属:現代システム科学域 環境システム学類 1年











4.柯 心遥さんが現在取り組まれていること(OSAKAーSUCCESS参加など)について教えてください。

現在文部科学省の委託事業であり、大阪大学・大阪府立大学・大阪市立大学・関西大学が中心になって自治体・ 経済団体・関連企業などとコンソーシアムを形成し、留学生の就職を支援する「OSAKAーSUCCESS」というプログラムに参加しています。このプログラムを通して、多くの大手企業を見学したり、インターンシップに参加することができました。2017年末にも、ヤンマーという大手メーカーでプレゼンテーションを行うなど様々な貴重な経験を積むことができました。また、「SUCCESSーOSAKA」の中の「プレミアムインターンシップ」という特別なプログラムに、大阪府立大学から唯一参加し、大学の代表として熱心に活動しています。










Interview with an international student/ College of Sustainable System Sciences  School of Environmental System Sciences XINYAO KE


Q.Tell us how you came to choose Japan for your overseas study. When did you get the idea?

My dream is to preserve my beautiful native town. I was born and raised in a town in Yunnan Province, China where there are minorities.  But in recent years with the development of the town the natural environment is being destroyed and we are quickly losing the minorities’ culture, customs and architecture.  I am very proud of my town’s natural environment and minority culture, so I decided I wanted to protect that environment.  I heard that Japan is best in the world when it comes to protecting village buildings and the environment, so I came here to study.


Q.Why did you choose Osaka Prefecture University?

I was looking at several schools when I learned about OPU’s College of Sustainable System Sciences. I was attracted by the fact that you could acquire a wide variety of expertise instead of concentrating on one area.  Expertise in preserving the environment of course, lifestyle and outlook on life, interpersonal relations and respecting others’ values, ability to communicate in order to live together, studying all these things suited my value system, as a person who values his own culture.  I wanted to find a way to protect important minority cultural assets and study how to realize a sustainable society while solving environmental problems.  That’s my ambition.


Q.What sorts of things are good about studying at Osaka Prefecture University, in practice? Are there any things you can recommend to other exchange students?

It is very agreeable to study at a campus blessed by nature, in an outstanding academic environment under the guidance of kind professors. For foreign students whose native language is not Japanese, it is an excellent place for language study and experiencing Japanese culture, and there is a lot of academic help with writing Japanese reports as well as help with living expenses in the form of part-time work, boarding houses, and tuition reduction.  And with I-wing Nakamozu which is an excellent place for cultural exchange with its students from many foreign countries, you can enjoy academic life.  This is what I would recommend to foreign students.


Q.Please tell us about Success-Osaka and the other things you are doing now.

Success-Osaka is a program to help foreign students find jobs in Japan. At the moment MEXT (the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) has organized a consortium around Osaka University, Osaka Prefecture University, Osaka City University and Kansai University that includes local governments, economic organizations and other affiliated companies and that consortium is participating in Success-Osaka.  Through this program, students can visit major firms and do internships there.  In late 2017, they acquired valuable experience giving presentations at the big manufacturer Yanmar.  The sole participant in the special “Premium Internship” program is from Osaka Prefecture University, and is an enthusiastic representative of OPU.


Q.Tell us about your new challenges and what you plan to do next.

What I want to do most at present is international volunteering. The other day we formed a team and applied to do international volunteer work, but unfortunately we were rejected.  This year I want to try a few more such projects.  In addition, in order to make OPU more well known to exchange students, as an OPU exchange student myself, I participate in various information sessions for exchange students, and want to tell them about the charm of OPU.


Q.Finally, how about a shout out to the exchange students of Osaka Prefecture University!

My policy is, if you do your best without holding back your life will definitely turn around. The academic and research environments at OPU are well-run, so to all the students that plan to apply to OPU I say go for it!